Opinion - Part 3

Scripture Reading - Exodus 23:1-2 1965 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

1 Do not let a false statement go further; do not make an agreement with evil-doers to be a false witness.
2 Do not be moved to do wrong by the general opinion, or give the support of your words to a wrong decision:

In today’s lesson we will continue to speak on the topic of “speaking your mind which we are using the single word “opinion”. In our previous lesson on expressing your “opinion” we elaborated on three traits to have present before “speaking your thoughts”. The first was being content to be quiet because speaking too much causes problems and trying to fix those problems once spoken only brings more conversation which causes more problems, so on and so forth. The second was being mindful not to talk back or speak over those in authority and please give first place to elders when speaking around them. We know this is pleasing in God’s Eyes and it is polite and bright to treat people right. Amen! Thirdly, we spoke about bringing God on the scene by speaking the Mind of Christ which is basically the “opinion of God” concerning all things upon the earth, inside the earth and all thing above the earth. We also taught a lesson on speaking your own “personal opinion” and not mingling God in to it. Yes, we highlighted the fact that many Christians think their interpretation of God is God but God is described, explained and interrupted through God’s Word alone, so never think that your own “personal opinion” is equivalent to the holy scriptures as God’s voice to all mankind. This brings us to today’s topic of weighing the “popular opinion” of men. This can be a little tricky and we did say just a little because the majority of the time the “popular opinion” is contrary to God. However, every so often the “general opinion” is in line with God’s Word but we couldn’t think of a good example where this is the case. However, we do know some examples when “popular opinion” was not the “opinion of God”. For example, when the children of Israel wanted a king according to 1 Samuel chapter 8 they did it to be like the other nations. This was the “popular opinion” of the people of Israel (believers in God please note) and all tribes did agree but the problem was Samuel and God were both displeased by the decision. Thus, the “overall opinion” of the whole was wrong compared to the few, or at least in this case the two. Yes, the minority two were right and all others were wrong. This is going on right now in today’s society because many people want a king, a president or some national leader to fight their battles for them. Ultimately they are not just looking for a leader to solve all their problems (full of wisdom and understanding) but they also want a leader who can win all their battles so that they don’t have to fight or trust in God for their deliverance. Yes, you see this when it comes to selecting a president and we did purposely use the word “select” because many believers think about what happened with King Saul and King David and because God did select them so they reason God selects every leader. However, that was done only a few times for the children of Israel but it was not a custom for all nations upon the earth. To think that God puts the President of the United States into that office over the wishes of the men they will be serving is not an accurate picture of God. However “popular this opinion (belief)” is among many believers here in America it is still erroneous or we could soften the objection by simply saying it is false. In the day of King Saul and King David the people were looking for God to select their champion and specifically they wanted a man who would be their warrior protecting the whole nation. However, it was no democratic vote among the people nor was there a certain qualification requirement to enter into the king’s office. Now we all know that is not the case here in America because in America men have set the rules and requirements based upon the political system designed by the politicians of that day. So yes, God can influence people to vote a certain way but please don’t confuse that with God personally putting people in office without any regard for the wishes of the mass of people who voted a certain way. We have found that many men of this world don’t want a God Fearing President because they would influence the laws of the land in a more godly direction and yes, we (ihlcc) would agree with them. Praise the Lord Jesus! It is for this reason that we (ihlcc) look deeply into the religious beliefs of all the candidates to see who more closely resembles a godly man according to the Holy Bible. The point is man votes a president into office and whoever the people select we support as our president and then we proceed to pray for their well-being, wisdom and safety. So coming back to the main theme this too could cause a problem if the “general opinion” is contrary to “God’s Opinion”. This is why it is so important to follow the Word of God mentioned in the Holy Bible because following man’s “popular opinion” of the right leader for a nation various depending upon the nation and it’s inherit culture. God’s Word doesn’t change so God’s Leader would have good character and be full of integrity no matter what nation they lived or originated from. Therefore, God’s Way is better, so follow “God’s Opinion” over the “popular opinion” of men. Looking at another example, many believe that love is the universal language this is a very “popular opinion” at this time. This “common (belief) opinion” is admired by many saints, some sinners and even other religious people because it sounds good and makes sense. Who can argue against Love not being a good thing and win. Surely everyone needs to be loved by someone in their life. However, the truth is God is Love according 1 John 4:16 but people don’t want to include God in their discussion of the universal language of love because that could hurt someone else’s feelings. Therefore the “general opinion” to love all (including thy neighbor) came straight from the Holy Bible in agreement with Matthew 22:39 but the context states to love God first with all your heart as mentioned in the previous verses 37 and 38. However, “popular opinion” doesn’t like the Gospel of Jesus so they quickly dismiss all verses they don’t like, to focus on the few verses they do like. Is this right brothers and sisters in Christ? We (ihlcc) would say no! Is it a “popular opinion?” Yes, indeed it is. Thus, never follow the “popular opinion” of men when it is contrary to the Holy Word of God. So be true to God and those in your sphere of influence because this could be a matter of life and death. Hell is already full of those who followed the “popular opinion” of men for the day they lived but on the contrary those who chose the straight and narrow way all made it to a much better place called, Heaven. In “God’s Opinion” that is the right destination for all God’s Beloved Children who want to be with Jesus and our Heavenly Father forever. Amen!